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Saturday, 2 March 2013

Speed Up Internet With Out Software

  Hi guys, today we show  really important in browsing internet.

                              Today’s fast moving world. There is no place without internet connection, but the problem that we all face today in using internet is SPEED. There are numerous software in internet itself to increase the speed of it, but how many of those really works??????

                                         You feel if I tell you a way to increase the speed without any software or expenses? There is a simple windows trick, I tried it and felt the difference, it made my internet connection some percentage speedy, and then only I got the idea to share it with you all.

Following Step to Speedup Internet:

Step 1:-

Go to Start – Run or Click Windows key +R

Step 2:-

Type gpedit.msc

Click OK.

Step 3:-

           Local Group Policy will appear.

Step 4:-

 Next navigate to "Administrative Templates" ---> 
"Network" --->
"QoS Packet Scheduler"

Step 5:-

In "QoS Packet Scheduler" double click on "Limit reservable bandwitdh". 

"Limit reservable bandwitdh" box will appear.

In "Limit reservable bandwitdhmake it "Enabled
Then set "Bandwidth limit: "0"
Click OK.


Now you have completed and when you browse the internet, definitely you will feel

 the difference. If this post is useful, put your comments and also share it with 

your friends through social networks.

Source : TECH glitz


  1. step 2 la windows cant find this name nu varu da

  2. type gpedit.msc. . . I think You Missing "."

  3. i entered that only but still the same prob

  4. hey guy i am also having same problems...
